Sunday 19 April 2015

Auxiliary 2 - My Final Poster

Here is my final poster for my second auxiliary task, there is also a draft saved on the blog aswell so you can see the brainstorm in comparison to the final result.

Final Website - Auxilary 1

Here is a link to the draft of my website, it is not completely finished as we haven't as yet finished the music video, and I would still like to get some more photos to add to the slidshow part of my website. But for the moment, this is what I have completed until we finish the video.

Gallery Page 
Contact Page 
News Feed Page 
About Hattie
Store and Cart Page

Auxillary: Final Advert

I received feedback that I needed to include some reviews, so I included two: one from NME and the other from Rolling Stone. I feel that when looking at past examples I have met the criteria for a magazine advert.

So here is my final advert: