Tuesday 24 March 2015

Evaluation - Question 4 Scripted (easier to read)

Here is a scripted version of my evaluation for Question 4, it is all on the video I created but this is here as it may be easier to read.

Sunday 1 March 2015


Here is the link to my draft full music video :D

Audience Feedback: Lew Parker

I posted my video on Facebook for the first time. I asked my my mum to share it with her friends also to broaden who could see it. Unfortunately we didn't get much feedback apart from 'That's so good' or 'you're so talented' so I took matters into my own hands and sent it to Lew Parker. I knew that he had helped George or more pulled George's to pieces so I thought it was exactly what I needed. And today he finally replied!


I agree with him with most basically all of it - I am going to take time to go through it and make sure the lip sync is on point. I also feel that the black and white is very basic so I feel grading or editing it more will be good. I feel I can incorporate more shots with camera movement for the performance element as I feel it is too static and needs some variation. This shouldn't be too hard to refilm hopefully! I will do some research into grading and see how I can use it as he seems to go on about it a lot so I feel it will be helpful!