Saturday 11 January 2014

Research: Previous Evaluations

To prepare for my own evaluation I have looked into previous examples work. Then I shall comment on what I liked, disliked, what worked well, what could have improved, and how this is going to influence my own evaluation.
Student Evaluation 1:

I found this an excellent evaluation, each question was answered comprehensively and creatively. I liked the fact they used a different piece of technology for each question making it more interesting and interactive than just reading off a screen. 

However one thing that could have improved was the font size on the Prezi as at times it was quite difficult to read, also it could have done with a bit more colour as with large chunks of text sometimes I found it a little boring to keep reading on.

I feel the use of Glogster was excellent as it is a difficult piece of technology to use yet they have used it to its full potential by making it really creative yet simple in following the questions. 

Looking at this evaluation I really like the way it is set out in a Prezi therefore I will put the idea forward to the group to present it as such.

Student Evaluation 2:

This evaluation is much different to the previous one I looked into as the questions weren't all together they were on 7 different blog posts. I feel that it took a bit of effort going from one to the other instead of it just being one click and then it being right in front of you.

I liked how they used stop animation for one of their questions, however I found it quite hard to understand what they were saying and the voices had been made really high pitch and were speaking at rocket speed. The idea of it though was excellent.

Something that could have been better was their question 5. For this they created a sequel to their preliminary task whilst answering the question. Which for me (someone who hadn't watched the preliminary task) found it exceptionally confusing as I did not really know what was going on.

I liked how they answered the first question as it included screen shots and videos of what they were actually talking about. However I found the post a bit text heavy.

Student Evaluation 3:

For this evaluation my first impression was that it was quite messily arranged on their blog, I had to go searching for their questions unlike the other two. Also I found the questions were not in order. 

I liked the use of Padlet in question two, as it included photos to back up what the text was saying, also the photos were bright which attracted your attention to them. 
I also liked how they used Prezi in question 3 as it is more interactive and colourful and you can navigate round the page yourself. However I feel it could have done with a few more images. 

Overall I found this the weakest evaluation as the questions were not a group effort they were handed out to a single person, and for some of the questions, some people did not make the same effort as others. 

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