Wednesday 23 April 2014

[Group Evaluation] Question 6: What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


  1. Hello Miss Hill, could you please take a look at this and give me your opinion on it and let me know if it is in enough detail. I will then know roughly how much detail there needs to be for the other questions so I can get on with some of those. Thanks

  2. Hi Alex. This is looking good so far but I think you need to use more of the Prezi features. At the start where you outline the web2.0 tech (eg prezi, slideshare, padlet etc) you could include a hyperlink to the best example of how you used the technologies.
    You outline the tools that you used to present information well but you have not talked about the tools you used for the actual research itself (eg google, Youtube Wikipedia etc. Try to include this - with screen grabs and hyperlinks to increase interactivity.
    When you talk about 'Film Technologies' add a 'zoom in' to each of the text blocks.
    You need to go into a lot more detail about how and why you used Final Cut - Given specific examples of what effects you used and why. Show before and after video clips etc.
