Wednesday 6 November 2013

Research: Analysing Previous Student Openings

Sinful is a past student thriller intro made by Amy and Laura. The start of the thriller opens with a slow motion panning shot of a swan on a lake (because of the amount of time the shot is focusing on the swan it creates an enigma code), this along with the greyscale effect makes us question what relation the swan has with the film. The credits are intertwined throughout the intro of the thriller film. The Mise en scene of the first character we see suggests evil due to the black clothes which have connotations of darkness, the hood also conceals the face which can symbolise his personality and leads to us believing that he is not trustworthy as his identity is hidden from the audience and adds to the level of mystery. Furthermore, the music is slow and eire adds to the connotations and feelings of suspense and mystery. The music builds up in pitch with clashing notes which creates tension, the volume of the music also increases as the barn is approached which suggests that we are leading up to a major plot event.

I rate this thriller intro: 7/10

Behind the Net Curtains:
Behind the net curtains from backdoor productions. The start of the thriller opens with a panning shot moving from looking at a tree to looking at the house which becomes the centre of attention to the viewer. We are then moved in to a closer shot of the house looking through the net curtains (hence the film name behind the Net Curtains), we see an old woman behind the net curtains and begin to question what role she has to play in the film. The next shot moves us to inside the house with 4 shots of the old woman making a cup of tea, they make use of 3 different camera shots (first looking up, second and third shorts are close ups). We are then moved on to seeing the old woman squeezing and manipulating meat this makes us question if she is to be trusted or not. This is then followed by shots of the old woman vigorously cutting up cucumber, and then a very close up shot of the old woman eating a tomato followed by a shot of her picked out bits from between her teeth (this shot is very effective and ‘grossing’ the audience out and building on the question is she the innocence or the evil in the thriller opening). This if followed by more shots of the old woman cutting up vegetables etc. We are then moved into the living room in a shot where the old woman walks past a photo of what we can presume was her and her husband (likely deceased), she returns to face the photo down, which again brings up the question of what is going on and is she the evil within the film. This is followed by shots of the old woman sitting on the sofa (we are positioned behind her) we see her completing a cross word, then see her laughing and again the audience has to ask the same question on what they think of her. In the final few shots of the thriller opening we see that the old lady has just been used as a red herring and that she is the person who gets killed.

I rate this thriller intro 8/10

The opening shot of Condemned starts with a shot of a dripping tap, It has diegetic audio of the dripping water and has been slightly slowed down to add to the emphasise. In the next shot we are positioned above the bath and we look down into it to see it full of water with a drowned girl there is the continued audio of the dripping water. These first shots were very lit up with lots of white, signifying purity where as in the following shots it is much darker, signifying evil. The man we see is wearing a long brown coat that hides his identity and adds an element of mystery. We are positioned in several shots following this man around different streets and into a park in the middle of the night, which also helps to hide his identity. There is a narration voice that is non-diegetic, it is the voice of the man we are currently seeing, we feel like that he is directly talking to us about his life (narration is an effective way to quickly build up a characters profile along with the physical and visual elements. In the following shots he is sat on a bench with time passing fast (Fast motion). The music throughout the thriller intro starts when the man enters the intro, it is relatively calm music but it signifies time passing.

I rate this thriller intro 7/10

The opening shots of Ricochet start with scene settings shot with a complex what sounds to be irrelevant non-diegetic narration. In the shots following the beginning we are introduced to what we can presume is the main character, he is dressed in all black, that suggests that he is not to be trusted. In the train station there is the use of non-diegetic sounds such as the heart beat, which suggest fast passed etc. The music that backs Ricochet is eerie and relatively slow passed. The key elements of Mise En Scene is the fact that the characters that we presume to be the ‘evil’ and ‘bad’ characters of the thriller opening are mainly dressed in black.

I rate this thriller intro 7/10

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