Monday 9 December 2013

Planning: Present Time Shot List

Shot no.
Shot/framing etc
Other info/reasoning

Scene two, present time, reading diary:
Wide shot - establishing shot
Granddad is sitting silently flicking through his diary, stern facial expression. 
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of dark, simple, casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. This is to build a personality round the granddad and shows that he isn’t particularly bothered about his appearance, also the dark colours represent a dark, mysterious side to his character. There will only be one prop used in this shot which will be the tatty, black diary.   
Medium close up – focusing on the diary
Granddad is still slowly searching through his diary.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. There will only be one prop used in this shot which will be the tatty, black diary. In this shot the audience should notice the sound of the thunderstorm in the background; this is use of pathetic fallacy as it mirrors the characters emotions.    
Extreme close up – framing only showing granddads eye movement
Granddad slowly moves his eye up from the diary as though he has just remembers/discovered something.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume and prop in this scene aren’t visible in this shot, this is to solely direct the audience’s attention onto the eye movement. It is very important that the audience notice the granddad’s eyes moving upwards so they know the next scene is a flashback.  

Scene two, present time, reading the newspaper:
Wide shot – framing showing all of the granddads upper half and the newspaper, but not enough for the audience to see what’s in the newspaper
Granddad is reading through the newspaper and circling things with a permanent marker.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. The props in this shot include a newspaper and a permanent marker. The shot doesn’t allow the audience to see what the granddad is actually reading in the newspaper, this hides information therefore building suspense and tension.  
Close up – framing shows granddads hand and a little of the newspaper
Granddad is circling things in the newspaper.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. In this shot the audience will notice that he is wearing a signet ring (wedding ring), however not on the correct finger to be a wedding ring, this may lead the audience to believe that he was once married but they aren’t together anymore. This gives the audience a little more information into the granddads past. The props in this shot include a newspaper and permanent marker.
Medium close up – low angle
Granddad is ripping something out of the newspaper, emotion less facial expressions.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. There is only one prop in this shot; the newspaper. The shot is at a low angle to portray power that the granddad feels at this moment, the audience could believe this is due to him finding what he has been searching for (in the newspaper).
Medium close up – slight low angle
Granddad is bringing the ripped out piece of newspaper up to his face, possibly to read or just look closely at.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. There is only one prop in this shot; the newspaper.
Close up – slowly zooms in to the granddads face
Granddad is looking directly at the ripped out piece of newspaper. He will have a subtle angry emotion portrayed through his face.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. There is only one prop in this shot; the newspaper. The facial expression can be interpreted differently by the audience as we want them to build their own opinions about him. 

Scene two, present time, granddad sleeping (having a nightmare):
Wide angle – framing will allow the doorway to be seen so the audience have more of an idea about his location
Granddad is sleeping on a bench in the outhouse, he is slightly moving his head around in anguish whilst clutching his diary.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. There is only one prop in this shot; the diary. It is now that the audience will realise that the granddad takes his diary everywhere, even sleeps with it.
Close up – granddads face from the side
Granddad is sleeping; he is writhing in distress from his nightmare.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. There is only one prop in this shot; the diary.
Wide high angle shot, zooming closer to the granddads face. The shot is head on.
Granddad is still sleeping and tossing his head around a little more viciously.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. There is only one prop in this shot; the diary. This shot shows that he is having a very unpleasant nightmare, so much so that he is trying to wake himself up.
Wide angle shot – granddad sitting up from the side
Granddad suddenly wakes from his nightmare, jerking into an upright position.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. This shot is to show how violently he wakes because he was so distressed at the dream with his granddaughter.
Cut-in shot – framing only allows the granddads feet and lower legs to be seen
Granddad moves his leg off the bench and onto the floor, then he begins to walk towards the door
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. The only prop in this scene is his diary. This shot focuses on the granddads leg movement, this is to mirror his thoughts as all he is thinking about is getting out the door.
Cut-in shot – framing showing his leg movement again but from behind him in this shot
Granddad walks towards the open door.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece.
Extreme close up – framing is only showing the granddads feet, then only his heel is left in frame
Granddad steps outside, slowly/calmly.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. This hot build tension in the audience as they haven’t seen the granddads facial expression since he was asleep, they are unaware of where he is going and why.
Close up – framing shows just the granddads face from the side
Granddad is calmly looking around with a peaceful facial expression.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. This hot tells the audience that the granddad is less distressed about the disappearance of his granddaughter, however they’re unaware as to why. 
Close up – framing shows bottom left half of the granddads body
Granddad is dropping/throwing the diary on the floor.
The location of this shot is in an abandoned outhouse (which will be an outdoor changing room in Woolpit). The costume for the granddad will still consist of simple casual clothing, such as jean and a fleece. The only prop in this scene is his diary.
Medium close up – slowly zooming in on the diary
The diary falls open and the camera slowly zooms closer
The prop in this shot is the diary which the audience are seeing the inside of for the first time, the camera slowly zoom in to give the viewers time to piece together all the information and form opinions about what’s going on.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Sound Analysis

Sound Analysis 

  • The sound of multiple matches lighting has been enhanced to signify the characters power. The enhancement suggests that the character is skilled in manipulation as he could possibly ignite thoughts and situations as easily as he ignited the matches. The character may have been lighting multiple matches, instead of just the one needed, to amplify the sound of his power and to show his impatiens.
  • Whilst the man is lighting his cigarette there is a background noise of a liquid leaking form a barrel, this indicates that a fight/struggle may have occurred damaging the surrounds, including the barrel.
  • The sound effect of the fire lighting down the trail of fluid gets louder as it goes along, this builds the suspense in the audience as they don't know where it is leading and are anxious to find out. 
  • Another character emerges and walks down steps toward the man with the cigarette, his footsteps echo on the metal flooring and also get louder as the character nears the other man. This makes the audience feel very tense and builds the suspense to the characters arrival.
  • The diegetic sound, the music, is at a low pitch to create a daunting atmosphere.This tells the audience that something bad is likely to happen. 
  • Just before the man holds the gun up the music changes, it bursts into a lower pitch that's mysterious suggesting something dangerous is going to happen. 
  • The non-diegetic sound of the gun going off is enhanced to created drama and shape the audiences mood. We hear the gun sound twice, this could either suggest that the characters have true hatred for each other and he wants to make sure the victim is dead, or that he doesn't want to kill the victim just injure him, for example possibly shooting him in both legs to stop him form being mobile therefore he can't follow him.
  • After we hear the two gun shots the music picks up the pitch a little which makes the audience feel sympathy for the victim, this is very important because the audience don't know the characters yet, we cannot sympathies with them through an emotional response, so this change in music will cause a sympathetic response without an emotional attachment.     
  • We hear the liquid leaking from the barrel again to remind us it's still there and to convey it's importance.    
  • The music (diegetic sound) then changes again creating an enigmatic vibe, this indicates that the situation may be more complicated then the audience are aware, it could also be seen as a warning telling the audience not to think things are as simple as they may seem throughout the rest of the narrative (for example the man standing down the barrel of the gun when it went off may not be dead).
  • A huge bang of an explosion is heard then the music changes to convey a sense of achievement. Police sirens are then heard to signify law breaking actions are likely to have occurred. It is also possible that the sirens sounding so soon after the explosion could indicate that the police were already chasing one (or both) of the characters for another crime.      

Planning: Flashback Shot List

Shot Shot/Framing Etc: Action (what is happing): Other (Costumes, Locations Props etc.)
Scene One Flashback Swings:
Wide angle - establishing shot (slowly zooms in) Granddad is pushing ‘Hannah’ on the swing (she will be very happy and smiling as she is enjoying herself). The location of the first shot is on the swings at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Motion tracking - following the movement of the swing from either the left or the right (not breaking the 180 degree rule) The Granddad is still pushing ‘Hannah’ the Granddaughter or the swings (she will continue to look happy as any typical girl of that age would). The location of the second shot is on the swings at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Medium close up - directly in front of swing with Hannah coming towards the camera The Granddad continues to push ‘Hannah’ (she will also continue to look happy) The location of the third shot is on the swings at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
The 3 shots that we plan on filming for the swing part of the flashback will make use of action matching, this means that during editing we will make sure that when the shots change the action will remain the same. For example if Hannah is at the top of the swing in the first shot, in the second shot it will carry on from that place, this means that there will be a sense of flow between each shot.
Scene One Flashback Zipwire:
Over the shoulder shot - from behind the Granddad. The Granddad is pushing ‘Hannah’ from the start if the zip wire (she will make noises of enjoyment etc to show how she is enjoying herself. The location of the fourth shot is on the zip wire Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Tracking shot - follows the movement of the zip wire from a location on rute of the zip wire (half way most likely. Hannah is half way down the zip wire when we switch to this shot, the tracking shot will continue to follow Hannah moving down the zip wire. The location of the fifth shot is on the zip wire Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
POV - from the position of Hannah on the zip wire.

Hannah is continuing down the zip wire when we switch to a POV shot from one of us holding the camera on the zip wire. The location of the sixth shot is on the zip wire Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Wide shot - shows the end of the zip wire. This is the end part of the zip wire where ‘Hannah hits the end of the zip wire and bounces back. The location of the seventh shot is on the zip wire Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
The 4 shots that we plan on filming for the zip wire part of the flashback will also make use of action matching, this means that during editing we will make sure that when the shots change the action will remain the same. For example if Hannah is halfway down the zip wire, in the next shot she will continue on from this position, again this helps to give a flow the film.
Scene One Flashback Teacup:
Wide shot - Hannah is fully in frame, but Granddad will only be half framed (give the focus on ‘Hannah’). The Granddad is spinning ‘Hannah’ on the tea cup (she is very happy and smiling a lot). The location of the eighth shot is on the spinning teacup at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
We only plan on filming one shot for the tea cup, as we feel that a stationary shot that slowly zooms in will give the best impression of the enjoyment on ‘Hannah’s’ face. We may consider having this shot in slow motion to further add to the emphasise of enjoyment on ‘Hannah’s’ face (but this will be decided during editing).
Scene One Flashback Seesaw:
Over the shoulder zooming shot - zooms in on Granddad on bench over ‘Hannah’s’ shoulder. Hannah’ is on the seesaw whilst the Granddad is in the background writing in the black diary. The location of the ninth shot is on the seesaw at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot the prop of the black diary and pen is required
Scene One Flashback Diary:
Cut-In (close up of the Granddad writing in the diary) Granddad is writing in the black diary, you cannot see his face. The location of the tenth shot is on the bench at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot the prop of the black diary and pen is required
Scene One Flashback Hannah Running Away:
Panning shot - pans from the Granddad writing in the diary over to ‘Hannah’ getting off the see saw and running away. To begin with the Granddad will be writing in the diary, the camera will then slowly track to the left to show ‘Hannah’ on the seesaw who gets off and starts to run away The location of the eleventh shot is on the bench and seesaw at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot the prop of the black diary and pen is required
Static wide angle shot - ground level. ‘Hannah’ runs past in front of the camera, so that her back is to the camera. The location of the twelfth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Tracking wide angle shot - from higher angle. ‘Hannah’ continues to run past with her back to us, we will track her for a moment then switch onto the next shot. The location of the thirteenth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Tracking wide angle shot - from hip level with ‘Hannah’ running towards the camera ‘Hannah’ will continue running, and in this shot she will be running towards the camera. When she starts to run past the camera the shot will slowly track her movement. The location of the fortieth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Low angle - from ground level. ‘Hannah’ will continue to run towards the fence with the camera positioned on the floor below the fence. The location of the fifteenth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Medium close up - high angle. ‘Hannah’ will pass through the fence and will start to run again, the camera will track her during this movement. The location of the sixteenth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Stationary wide shot.  This will feature the final shot of ‘Hannah’ running away into the distance. The location of the seventieth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
The 7 shots that we plan on filming for ‘Hannah’ running away, part of the flashback will also make use of action matching, this means that during editing we will make sure that when the shots change the action will remain the same. The footsteps need to be very constant to make sure that it flows without looking like it was several shots.
Scene One Flashback Granddad realising:
POV shot from the position of the Granddad sat on the bench This will feature the Grandad closing his diary and looking up and looking around to find that ‘Hannah’ is no longer there, he will then most likely call for her. The location of the eighteenth shot is on the bench at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot the only props that are needed is the diary and the pen.

Division of Labour: Filming and Editing

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Editing: Flashback Effects

Flashbacks: We decided for the flashback we wanted the colours to be bright and vibrant very juxtaposed to the current time. This will make the flashbacks obvious therefore cutting down the confusion when jumping between time frames.

This is the original film without any effect, although the colours are bright it doesn't give the effect that we wanted. The colours are quite dull as it was filmed on a cold wet day therefore we need to give it some brightness as though its sunny to create pathetic fallacy with the characters

This is the hue and saturation effect gives the greens and reds extra colour however it doesn't effect all the colours in the frame which we want. The red on the girls dress is very vibrant but then the red on the swings aren't as bright which makes it obvious that it's been edited

This is film grain for our group this aged the frame instead of making it more vivid and bright. The colours are very dull which is very juxtaposed to what we want. Therefore we wont be using this effect

We finally decided to use this effect of teal and orange as it gave the whole of the frame brighter colour and made the characters stand out against the background. Having everything brighter makes it look more realistic as though it hasn't been edited. That's why we are using this effect