Thursday 5 December 2013

Planning: Flashback Shot List

Shot Shot/Framing Etc: Action (what is happing): Other (Costumes, Locations Props etc.)
Scene One Flashback Swings:
Wide angle - establishing shot (slowly zooms in) Granddad is pushing ‘Hannah’ on the swing (she will be very happy and smiling as she is enjoying herself). The location of the first shot is on the swings at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Motion tracking - following the movement of the swing from either the left or the right (not breaking the 180 degree rule) The Granddad is still pushing ‘Hannah’ the Granddaughter or the swings (she will continue to look happy as any typical girl of that age would). The location of the second shot is on the swings at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Medium close up - directly in front of swing with Hannah coming towards the camera The Granddad continues to push ‘Hannah’ (she will also continue to look happy) The location of the third shot is on the swings at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
The 3 shots that we plan on filming for the swing part of the flashback will make use of action matching, this means that during editing we will make sure that when the shots change the action will remain the same. For example if Hannah is at the top of the swing in the first shot, in the second shot it will carry on from that place, this means that there will be a sense of flow between each shot.
Scene One Flashback Zipwire:
Over the shoulder shot - from behind the Granddad. The Granddad is pushing ‘Hannah’ from the start if the zip wire (she will make noises of enjoyment etc to show how she is enjoying herself. The location of the fourth shot is on the zip wire Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Tracking shot - follows the movement of the zip wire from a location on rute of the zip wire (half way most likely. Hannah is half way down the zip wire when we switch to this shot, the tracking shot will continue to follow Hannah moving down the zip wire. The location of the fifth shot is on the zip wire Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
POV - from the position of Hannah on the zip wire.

Hannah is continuing down the zip wire when we switch to a POV shot from one of us holding the camera on the zip wire. The location of the sixth shot is on the zip wire Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Wide shot - shows the end of the zip wire. This is the end part of the zip wire where ‘Hannah hits the end of the zip wire and bounces back. The location of the seventh shot is on the zip wire Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
The 4 shots that we plan on filming for the zip wire part of the flashback will also make use of action matching, this means that during editing we will make sure that when the shots change the action will remain the same. For example if Hannah is halfway down the zip wire, in the next shot she will continue on from this position, again this helps to give a flow the film.
Scene One Flashback Teacup:
Wide shot - Hannah is fully in frame, but Granddad will only be half framed (give the focus on ‘Hannah’). The Granddad is spinning ‘Hannah’ on the tea cup (she is very happy and smiling a lot). The location of the eighth shot is on the spinning teacup at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
We only plan on filming one shot for the tea cup, as we feel that a stationary shot that slowly zooms in will give the best impression of the enjoyment on ‘Hannah’s’ face. We may consider having this shot in slow motion to further add to the emphasise of enjoyment on ‘Hannah’s’ face (but this will be decided during editing).
Scene One Flashback Seesaw:
Over the shoulder zooming shot - zooms in on Granddad on bench over ‘Hannah’s’ shoulder. Hannah’ is on the seesaw whilst the Granddad is in the background writing in the black diary. The location of the ninth shot is on the seesaw at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot the prop of the black diary and pen is required
Scene One Flashback Diary:
Cut-In (close up of the Granddad writing in the diary) Granddad is writing in the black diary, you cannot see his face. The location of the tenth shot is on the bench at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot the prop of the black diary and pen is required
Scene One Flashback Hannah Running Away:
Panning shot - pans from the Granddad writing in the diary over to ‘Hannah’ getting off the see saw and running away. To begin with the Granddad will be writing in the diary, the camera will then slowly track to the left to show ‘Hannah’ on the seesaw who gets off and starts to run away The location of the eleventh shot is on the bench and seesaw at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot the prop of the black diary and pen is required
Static wide angle shot - ground level. ‘Hannah’ runs past in front of the camera, so that her back is to the camera. The location of the twelfth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Tracking wide angle shot - from higher angle. ‘Hannah’ continues to run past with her back to us, we will track her for a moment then switch onto the next shot. The location of the thirteenth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Tracking wide angle shot - from hip level with ‘Hannah’ running towards the camera ‘Hannah’ will continue running, and in this shot she will be running towards the camera. When she starts to run past the camera the shot will slowly track her movement. The location of the fortieth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Low angle - from ground level. ‘Hannah’ will continue to run towards the fence with the camera positioned on the floor below the fence. The location of the fifteenth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Medium close up - high angle. ‘Hannah’ will pass through the fence and will start to run again, the camera will track her during this movement. The location of the sixteenth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
Stationary wide shot.  This will feature the final shot of ‘Hannah’ running away into the distance. The location of the seventieth shot is at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot no props are required.
The 7 shots that we plan on filming for ‘Hannah’ running away, part of the flashback will also make use of action matching, this means that during editing we will make sure that when the shots change the action will remain the same. The footsteps need to be very constant to make sure that it flows without looking like it was several shots.
Scene One Flashback Granddad realising:
POV shot from the position of the Granddad sat on the bench This will feature the Grandad closing his diary and looking up and looking around to find that ‘Hannah’ is no longer there, he will then most likely call for her. The location of the eighteenth shot is on the bench at Rattlesden play park. The costuming for the Granddad will consist of simple clothes (such as jeans, shirt and jumper etc). The costuming for the granddaughter (‘Hannah’) will be very innocent, with red and white being the primary colours of the outfit. For this shot the only props that are needed is the diary and the pen.

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