Tuesday 24 February 2015

Draft Evaluation - Question 4

Here is a quick mind map of my draft evaluation for question 4, I have as yet got to put my questions in some sort of technology, I am going to use a video podcast to present this question. I just need to find the time and a place to film when it is quiet! 

Monday 23 February 2015

Final Day of Filming!

So Molly and I arranged a day in the half term that we could dedicate to film the final scenes of our music video! We spent probably not far off 3 hours shooting when we only needed a minutes worth of footage! Molly set up most of the shots as she hadn't yet filmed anything and then I simply pressed record as she had to be in the video herself. Overall, it was a really successful day and we got everything we needed to get and a lot more!
Here are some photos of the day -

Friday 20 February 2015

Editing: Final Draft

I finally managed to complete my music video :D

For the final section of my music video I experimented with the slow motion to get the clip of Hattie and Maddie crashing into each other more dramatic and so it happened on the beat. I experimented with different percentages to slow it down but I came to the conclusion that 50% is the best.

I also played about with the focus on one of the final clips. I wanted the note to be in focus and Hattie walking out in the background to be out of focus. This was the final result which I was very pleased with. 

I didn't need to put any sort of effects on the clips where Hattie runs out of the house, as it was a very sunny day. Unfortunately during some of the clips we recorded as a 'dash cam' there was a glare on the screen from the sun so you couldn't see clearly. 

Overall I am happy that I have finally finished my music video. About time! 

Filming: Day 4

Final day of filming

We have finally finished our filming. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY :D :D :D

On Tuesday I had to prove that I had done some of the filming, so to do this I set up the camera and Jess just pressed record. I managed to take some selfies when setting up the camera as proof.

Unfortunately there were many badass shot that we couldn't use as there was too much footage to fit into the film :( but I put in what we could 

I am now going to film the final 15 seconds of my music video - eeeeek 


Thursday 12 February 2015

Evaluations: Draft Questions - mindmaps

I know I haven't put them into technology but I have planned what I am going to include in each Question. For some of the questions it is difficult to finish as obviously my music video isn't complete yet... It will be by next week!! (hopefully).

Here are Questions: 2,3 and 4 as I have already got the draft of question 1 on the blog.

Wednesday 11 February 2015

Storyboard - Demons DRAFT

Here is a draft copy of my story board, we haven't yet finished filming so there are some blank spaces that will need filling with the rest of the shots such as when Hattie and her mum argue. Hopefully these will be filmed by half term so I can update this as soon as that is done and dusted!

I have put question marks in the spaces where there will eventually be shots of the argument scene. 

Analysing Professional Websites

Tuesday 10 February 2015

Editing: Split Screen and Ending!

I got some inspiration from a past students work as I wanted to show some of the techniques I have learnt throughout this year. Split screen is a simple yet very effective use of technology and I wanted to throw a little bit of variety into my music video as all the shots were starting to get repetitive.

This is the split screen that I created which on the end of each line the clips move in an anticlockwise position.

Between each clip I chose to use a cross fade so it merged into once another rather than cut sharply. 

Towards the end of the music video, Hattie walks out of the shot leaving a white background and the microphone. 
For this I am going to try to get the background to fade out leaving just the microphone on the screen. I feel fading to white at the end is much more subtle than black as the majority of the shot is white. 

I have also included a MTV logo in the corner of the screen to give it that sense of a music video throughout the whole video and also to show what it would look like if it was to be shown on TV. 

I had to photoshop the image to get it without the white background and put it onto a transparent file to give it a more professional look. I chose the black and white version of the logo as it fits more with our music video as a large proportion is in black and white. 

I used the music beat to put shots in to connect the visuals to the music (one of Goodwins theories) this makes it more aesthetically pleasing to watch too :) An example is when theres an important chord in the music and you have a shot of Hattie's hands playing the chord on the piano. 

Although I have a 1 minute clip of music video that still needs to be filmed, I am very pleased with how it is starting to turn out. Although I wouldn't go as far as to say I like it, but I feel it is much better with more clips (obviously). I plan to film the last section tonight or within the next few days, it is dependent on weather and actor availability! 

Demons - DRAFT 2


Here is a second draft of our music video, it is still unfinished but Molly has been busy editing the rest of this whilst I've been busy doing the filming. Hopefully we will have the last minute of footage within the next few weeks and fingers crossed after that I can get on with some editing and we will have a finished video! I've also included the first draft of our music video in this blog too as I haven't yet uploaded it, so you can see the difference in the two drafts without having to scroll your way through lots of blog posts to find the first video!


Thursday 5 February 2015

Shot List 1 - Demons

Here is the first shot list for our music video. There will be a 'Part 2' of a shot list coming soon, We just need to finish editing our video so that I can screenshot some more shots. I used a random mug from the media cupboard as my fabulous model. Enjoy!

Final Cut Pro Lessons

As we are editing using Final Cut, I thought it would be a good idea to re learn some of the skills I learnt at AS Level in order to be able to edit effectively. And, of course; learn new skills that I can use in my music video. The first tutorial I looked at was a split screen tutorial, as we had a good idea of splitting the screen into four sections and having multiple action shots in each section. We got this idea from a past student video, and so I thought it best to learn exactly how to do so using YouTube tutorials. This is the video I chose to use. 

I also wanted to find out how to use slow motion on Final Cut, I had already learnt this last year but as I haven't used the programme for a while, my skills are a little rusty and needed to be learnt again! We wanted to try and use slow motion in some of the clips where the two girls are playing with the leaves in the park to help create a bit more emotion and alter timings. I found another really usefulvideo to help with this. 

Lastly,my final skill that I wanted to learn was to do with changing the colour effect of certain shots, to either enhance the colour, or darken. For example, there is a lot of footage that we wanted to use in black and white and other footage such as the forest footage that we wanted to be brighter and bolder to reflect the moods and feelings of the shots. Here is a clip that I used and found useful.

Hopefully,when we have uploaded all the footage we have got from today I will have another go at editing using all of these new skills I have learnt!

Draft Auxiliary Poster

Here is a draft of what my final auxilary poster will look like, I have added captions to explain why I am putting these conventions on my poster. P.s. Sorry about my drawing skills :)

Update and Filming Photos!

Hello again!

It's been a busy day today, Molly and I finally got around to finishing most of our filming! After a long, long wait, it is very nearly complete. All we have left to film is a few scenes with Molly and her family arguing, and a few shots with Maddie to fill in gaps and we should be good to go! I managed to get a few pictures of us filming our final clips and these are below as filming evidence. Also, I have completed Past Student Music Video Examples and these are up on the blog, there is analysis for 'Viva Brothers', 'Crash' and a video from another school 'Can't Hold Us'. I also managed to post my analysis of Past Student Auxiliary Tasks. I analysed all three types of tasks, although I did choose to do a website and poster after this. I had already decided to do a website but was still torn between a digi-pack and poster.

In the next few days I hope to have my draft evaluation up on the blog, although not my final answers. I am slightly behind on these I have been focused on my auxiliary tasks but I have completed both questions 1 and 2 and hope to have these up on the blog tonight/tomorrow; and will continue work on the last two questions tonight also. Also being put on the blog tonight is a shot list for our video and a draft of my poster, which I did do a while ago but forgot to put up here! Hopefully the final poster will be up by tomorrow too, so expect lots of blog posts in the next few days!

Finally, here are some photos of us filming our final performance scenes -

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Analysing Past Student Auxiliary Tasks

From analysing these past examples, I have decided to produce a website and a poster and these are the most effective ways of advertising my video from my point of view.

Evaluation: Question 1 - Draft

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Past Student Work - Can't Hold Us

Here is a link to my analysis of this video - www.rawshorts.com/animations/pea3OeFSTr7xVW2ErXh0GQ