Tuesday 10 February 2015

Editing: Split Screen and Ending!

I got some inspiration from a past students work as I wanted to show some of the techniques I have learnt throughout this year. Split screen is a simple yet very effective use of technology and I wanted to throw a little bit of variety into my music video as all the shots were starting to get repetitive.

This is the split screen that I created which on the end of each line the clips move in an anticlockwise position.

Between each clip I chose to use a cross fade so it merged into once another rather than cut sharply. 

Towards the end of the music video, Hattie walks out of the shot leaving a white background and the microphone. 
For this I am going to try to get the background to fade out leaving just the microphone on the screen. I feel fading to white at the end is much more subtle than black as the majority of the shot is white. 

I have also included a MTV logo in the corner of the screen to give it that sense of a music video throughout the whole video and also to show what it would look like if it was to be shown on TV. 

I had to photoshop the image to get it without the white background and put it onto a transparent file to give it a more professional look. I chose the black and white version of the logo as it fits more with our music video as a large proportion is in black and white. 

I used the music beat to put shots in to connect the visuals to the music (one of Goodwins theories) this makes it more aesthetically pleasing to watch too :) An example is when theres an important chord in the music and you have a shot of Hattie's hands playing the chord on the piano. 

Although I have a 1 minute clip of music video that still needs to be filmed, I am very pleased with how it is starting to turn out. Although I wouldn't go as far as to say I like it, but I feel it is much better with more clips (obviously). I plan to film the last section tonight or within the next few days, it is dependent on weather and actor availability! 

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