Friday 25 October 2013

Thriller Journal: The Dark Knight

Thriller Journal

The Dark Knight

Date Produced: 18th July 2008
Director: Christopher Nolan
Writers: Christopher Nolan and David S. Goyer
Producer:  Kevin De La Noy
Cinematography: Wally Pfister
Music: James Newton Howard and Hans Zimmer

Good storyline, yet confusing in places if you weren’t paying attention

Camera On Car: Used at the start, to show action both inside and outside of the car therefore we get both sides of the fight making it more dramatic and making us fear that our hero will not win.
Helicopter Shot: Shot over Gotham, used as an establishing shot. It shows the size of Gotham. 
Symphonic: Used whenever Batman appears at a fight, it emphasizes his appearance and makes him seem much more impressive.
Key Sound Motif: This is also the same part as the symphonic but it’s a very distinctive piece making the audience know that Batman is about to appear.
Sonically Exaggerated: Used when Batman punches and kicks, this makes him seem powerful and that nobody needs to worry about him getting hurt because he is the dominant character in the scene.

Mise en Scene:
Costime: Batmans armour, this is every distinctive making everybody able to identify him
Fast Paced: The fight between Batman and the Scarecrow, it enhances the fight between them, and makes it more impressive.

How does it fit the Thriller genre?
I believe that this fits the thriller genre as it always keeps you on the edge of your seat and requires you to do more than just sit and watch the film. It requires some thinking or sometimes the plot could come across as confusing. The film has suspense and tension throughout which is a common convention of Thriller. 

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