Saturday 1 November 2014

Division of Labour

We have decided on a division of labour between myself and Molly; and thought about which jobs suit which person best. Also, how much time can we each commit to each job.

Molly - Molly will be in charge of doing most of the editing as her skills in Final Cut are far better than mine, although I will be doing some of it. We decided this job was also best suited to Molly as she has more time to be able to focus on editing our video than I do. Molly will also be in charge of some mise en scene elements such as costume and location (she decided on our characters wearing everyday causal clothing and our video being shot in 3 different locations, her house, Nowton Park and in a quiet room). Also, Molly will be in charge of assigning actors to our video, we put a message on Facebook asking for two people, but in the end Molly decided to use herself as one actor and our friend Maddie as the other. Molly is also partly responsible for deciding on camera angles and shots to use at what times in our video, and help them fit with the lyrics and music; and have some meaning as to why we use them when we use them. Aswell as all of these jobs, she is also partly involved in the narrative outline, we both came up with this together, but Molly was involved in really developing the story and plot of our music video. 

Jess - My jobs include being the main filmer in the video and I am responsible for making sure that we get what footage we need at the time we film. I also set up the camera to make sure we have the right camera angle; and I also make sure we film the right amount of footage. I am also partly responsible for deciding on camera shots and angles to use and when to use them. This was an important job for me as I am the one mainly always behind the camera as Molly will be always acting. I am also in charge of the other parts of mise en scene such as props and lighting. I decided on the piano that we will have Hattie playing in our video, and also the idea of the couple using the forestry as part of their props when we film in the forest e.g. the leaves being thrown. Lighting is also my job and I am in charge of making sure lighting is right for the right mood/tone, and is also continuous. Finally, I am also responsible for participating in creating a plot and narrative for our characters and Molly and I worked together on getting a really strong plot to go on.

I think we assigned these jobs to the right people well and hopefully the outcome of our project will reflect that!

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