Wednesday 19 November 2014

Editing: Colour Correction

So we finally managed to start editing!! WOOP WOOP!

However, on the day we filmed it wasn't as sunny as we would have liked and it started to get dark. Which posed a challenge for me when editing as it meant that I had to start colour manipulating to recreate the effect that it was a sunny autumnal day using the colour board and some of the presents I managed to find an effect which managed to enhance the colour which I wanted to enhance without making it look too fake. I then used the percentages given for shadows, mid tones and highlights and put those percentages on each of the clips that I had to consistency within the video.

From these two images you can see the effect that using these setting had: 

The left is before and right after, as you can see I added a sunlight effect to make the colours seem more real and give the impression that the video was filmed on a very sunny day. It also gives a sense of a home video as professionals would not want these effects which links to the first bit of the memories that we see which has the home recording effect on it. 

So far we haven't had much chance to film due to jobs etc, however we plan to film quite a lot more on Thursday evening and then we will start to have a draft of our final music video. 

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