Tuesday 4 November 2014

Research: Audience Questionnaire

I concocted a survey on the general subject of music and music videos and posted it on both Facebook and Twitter. I had a total of 68 people complete it giving me a large variety of age ranges. Here is the collation of my results and how they effected my view on how I'm going to produce my music video.

Question 1: Are you Male or Female?

For this I tried to get an equal split of both boys and girls so I could find out the interests and preferences of both genders to make my video appeal to both audiences. Luckily there was a rough split of 29 Males and 39 Females so I should have got a good result.

Question 2: How old are you?

I had a massive variety of ages from 12 years old to 57 years old. Not entirely sure how the 57 year old found it?! But as you can see the main ages that answered the survey were teenagers which was very useful as my target audience for my music video is teenagers. Therefore the answers they have given are very relevant and helpful to make my music video appeal to them

Question 3: How often do you listen to music?

From this question I found that not a single person who answered the survey doesn't listen to music daily. Which shows that music has a very big impact on everybody's lives whatever age range you are. There is also a very large proportion of people who listen to music for over 5 hours which is a very large portion of your day.

Question 4: How do you generally listen to music?

A large portion of the people I surveyed listen to music on their phones of through the radio. The radio is generally very up to date pop and rock music whereas on your phone you can choose your music depending on your preference. Youtube is another popular way of accessing music which shows that lots of people do watch the music videos too. A few people mentioned that they use sound cloud to access their music too.

Question 5: What is your favourite genre of music?
Almost half of the people surveyed said their favourite music genre was pop or rock which is very useful as the music video I have chosen to create is a pop song. This question had the most varied of answers as there are so many options for people to choose. Reggae and Punk were two other options that people mentioned which I didn't choose to include in the options as I forgot about them, but obviously many people listen to it.

Question 6: What is your favourite music video and why?
Obviously I couldn't produce a pie chart for this question as there were 68 different responses. But mostly I found people like music videos that stand out and are different from others. For example Aha's - Take on me was a few peoples favourite music video as they said it was the first of its kind.
Another one that was mentioned and popular was Thanks for the Memories - Fall Out Boy because of the narrative is different to any other music video that they had seen. 

Question 7: What is your favourite type of music video?

Over 50% of people said they like the narrative type of music video which means that my music video is very fitting to appeal for most people as I have chosen to do a mixture of performance and concept.

Question 8: Do you generally listen to music or watch music videos?

It was interesting to see that very little people only watch music videos, the majority of people like to just listen to music but you can see that many people like to do both. This could show that people need to like the song before they will watch the music video to it.

Overall I found this survey very insightful and I'm very flattered that so many people took the time to give me some very helpful results.

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