Wednesday 5 November 2014


I thought you would like to know a little update on how I'm getting on. I'm trying to keep up to date on blog posts by going through the check list to see what I have and haven't done. Also I have managed to do the casting for my music video.

The two girls are going to be: Me (for my sins) and Maddie Byford. Maddie volunteered to be in it and as me and her have such a close relationship I thought it would be easy to act close in the video.

Me:                                                    Maddie:
From these photos you can see that me and Maddie have been friends for a number of years with the first photo being from our last days at main school (May 2013) the second being during We Will Rock You (Feb 2014) and the most recent being taken for a student party (Oct 2014). 
This proves that we are ideal candidates to star in my music video as I wanted two people who were very close and that the acting wouldn't be very hard for. 
Safe to say we've changed quite a lot!

So, filming plan!!
Our idea is to start filming this weekend on Sunday 9th November. My current idea is to film a couple of scene at Nowton Park. This is an ideal destination as in the autumn it's going to look very pretty with all the leave coming off the trees and it can look like a realistic day out for a couple. Another scene could include sitting on the sofa at home chilling and watching films. I hope to one day go to the beach or somewhere with a lake as another. The Abbey Gardens are also an idea of another location as we can feed the ducks and look cute ;). I also considered going to London for the day and doing some filming there as that would be perfect. But I'm going to have to see how much it is going to cost. 

I looked at the weather for this sunday and this is what is forecast #typicalenglishweather

And I got some photos of some ideal locations #relationshipgoals

So thats the plan so far, I am blogging as much as possible so I should have some more blog posts up in the next few days #onit

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