Tuesday 6 January 2015

Axillary Task: Website - Gigs

This is my Gig page:

I don't know how disjointed these photos are going to look stitched together so I apologise. In this page there is a lot going on, again an autumnal theme. This page is mainly for people looking to book Hattie as it gives them a taste of the music genres that she sings. You have a most popular section of the songs often sung at weddings as up until recently this is what Hattie is most usually booked for. Then you have the songs sung at both festivals which are much more upbeat and fit the festival genre. I have also designed it so that Hattie's recent release 'Demons' is the song sung last regardless of what sort of gig she is doing. At the bottom you have sound cloud links to Hattie's music to give people a taster of what she sounds like (I stole a friends sound cloud clips as funnily enough there is nobody called Hattie Chadwick on sound cloud.. oops)
Please feel free to ignore the rather random looking couple down the side of the page, this is going to be replaced with a photo of Hattie asap but for now, they can stay.

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