Friday 30 January 2015

Update on Blogging, Filming and Editing

I have spent my study period today watching two past student examples in order to be able to analyse and put my analysis up on my blog soon! I have already analysed the 'Viva Brothers' video and my blog post for that is already up! However, today I watched the 'Crash' and a student example from another school. I plan to have both posts up about these videos within the next few days. 

After I have completed these, I am moving onto analysing past student auxiliary tasks, I realise I am a bit far behind with these, however, I have finished both of my tasks and the website is up on the blog already. My poster is pretty much finished I just need to get a few more images and change a few bits around and that should be up within a few days too! My website is as finished as it can be, as we have not yet finished filming our music video; I cannot put the finished video up on the website; but, I have included a draft video and as soon as we have completed editing and filming, I will change the draft video on the website to the finished one and re post it on the blog. 

In terms of filming and editing updates, we plan to film some more scenes within the next week and hopefully have them all edited very soon. So expect some updated footage very soon!

Moving onto my evaluation. I have started to answer some of the questions but will still need a bit more time to develop my answers, and will hopefully have them all drafted by next Friday, watch this space!

1 comment:

  1. you do realise Crash is an example from our school right?
